Una galga atigrada se ha perdido o ha sido robada en la zona de Iznájar, en el sur de C...

Bonita was picked up by a companion on the La Hoz road. She was standing next to a dead dog and did not move from her side, licked her as if she wanted to get up, she was very scared. We think it was his sister or his mother. It is hard to see a dead animal, and it is even harder to see his companion still, sad and desolate not knowing what to do. Bonita does not have a "nice" story, but we would like to be able to change it to a place where there is no loss, where she can know the good side of humans and have the warmth and affection of a family that never leaves her.
If you want to adopt BONITA contact us.
Tel 649220 494
Nuriamatasbaena@gmail.com (Nuria)
Carolinajimenezrute@gmail.com (Carolina)
Laika.astronauta7@gmail.com (Loli)