This dog was rescued in the Hoz. Now she is safe, but we are looking for a good home for her. She is a shy little dog,...
This little dog was picked up by Doreen a month ago. Doreen has it in her house. She found it by the side of the road...
Esta perrita fue abandonada en la carretera de Zambra, tenía algunas heridas en las patas. Ahora está a salvo, sus...
Isis apareció en un cortijo buscando comida. Creemos que alguien la dejó alli. Estaba muy delgadita pero ahora está...
This precious dog is looking for a good family with whom she can live happily. She is affectionate and loves to walk....
Kim was found in a lamentable state, had a state of extreme malnutrition, is recovering little by little and is already...
BENI was rescued by a GPAR collaborator on a road outside the village. He was starving, he could see all the bones. He...
Butter has been abandoned in the door of the shelter. They've left it thrown like a cigarette butt. She is a small dog...
Ali appeared in Iznajar, with one of his legs broken. He is now safe and is recovering from the operation. We want you...
Noah ha sido sacada de Sadeco, una colaboradora vio el anuncio en internet y nos pidio ayuda para ella, la tiene en...